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Steven Sit Poh Sang

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

In this issue, here are some insights on mindful reflection, effective goal-setting, and strategic reviews. I hope this helps you equip yourself for a thriving year ahead with impactful resolutions and fresh perspectives. Let's embark on this journey of growth and renewal together.

2024 Financial Goals: 5 Resolutions to Avoid

Kay Dee Cole advises avoiding vague or overly ambitious financial resolutions for 2024, emphasizing realistic, value-aligned goal setting.

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5 Reasons You Should Create Reflection Rituals At The End Of The Year

Danielle Anson discusses the benefits of end-of-year reflection for personal growth, healing, and setting future intentions.

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The Habit That Could Improve Your Career | Paul Catchlove | TED

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I seek to reach out to people who believe in safeguarding the interests of their loved ones. Let me know if I can be of help to someone you know or care about. We can make a difference to lives when it matters most. Cheers.
Steven Sit Poh Sang
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Christine, Business Owner

Steven has been our family insurance agent for the past few years. Not only he's very professional and knowledgable with our portfolios, he is also helpful and did an extra mile to assist and advice when we needed help for our other families member's policies. We have a peace of mind to have Steven as our agent as we know he is always there when we needed him. Thank you Steven !


嗨 Steven! 感谢您一年来在保险方面给予我的优质服务!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️您总是那么耐心、细心地向我解释保险的每一项条款,当我向您征询保险方面的建议时,您总能提供给我最中肯,最适合我的保险建议。不管有何种疑问,您都第一时间上门服务。 您对于我及我的家人来说,不仅是保险经纪,更是一个值得信赖的朋友,和您的相处永远都是那么愉快的。您热爱运动、积极向上的生活态度更鼓励了我们,让我们更加关注自己的健康,关爱自己的家人! 保险是终身的,友谊也是一辈子的。感谢你的一路相伴! 祝好!

Nicole Lee, Scotiabank, Accountant

Thank you for the service and help you’ve rendered all these years. One of the more detail-oriented and responsive insurance professionals I’ve come across. Professional, prompt in response and unfailingly diligent. Steven has been a trusted and reliable source of knowledge, quick to help customers like myself navigate the complex and fairly technical aspects of the insurance claims process. This has freed up my time and lessened my worries when it comes to the tedious administrative burden – truly appreciated!

Yannie Yong

On a chance encounter, Steven was an agent recommended by a good friend of mine. She spoke about his professionalism and good service rendered. Through his assistance, he walked through my recent bereavement claims. He was compassionate, kind and most helpful. His passion and dedication towards his clients is evident in his work. Detailed yet relatable when he explains the financial jargons behind the various insurance instruments. He has shown genuine concern and care. Much appreciated !

Alan Teoh

Steven was introduced to me by my close NS friend, Paul. We met through the mutual interest of cycling and trying to keep fit and healthy. It was through a mutual cycling trip to Japan in April this year that we got to know each other better and where our friendship blossomed. You can suss out a character of a person when you have to eat and share a room together 😊 Through this memorable trip and many more cycling excursions, he has shown to be dependable, trustworthy, witty and knowledgeable. I have come to regard him first as a friend, then my insurance agent. Steven does not sell policies for the sake of earning a commission, but he gets to know his clients first and then recommend policies that are suited for them during that particular stage of their life. There was no pressure at any time and I felt that the whole policy transaction process was smooth and done very professionally. I have no hesitation to recommend his services to anyone looking for a professional financial adviser to meet their needs.

Chris, Business Owner

Ever since Steven took over my family's insurance affairs, our insurance coverage has not only gotten better, it has also gotten cheaper! Steven is one of those rare agents who genuinely strives to put his clients' welfare before any other considerations. Over the years he has displayed impressive patience with us, explaining all the details of various policies, and going the extra mile when needed. And with all that, Steven has become a friend I enjoy spending time with. I am looking forward to continuing to work with Steven for a very long time.