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Steven Sit Poh Sang

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

There's a man in Singapore, that every time he concludes a business deal, he would go buy a plant and plant it somewhere. It's a simple way of giving back. He was also able to disengage and be with himself while doing something meaningful, albeit how simple it was. In this issue are some more examples of such life's lesson that we can benefit from. All we need, is to just take some time, slow down and breathe in the fresh air.

Ultimate List of 50 Life Lessons You Must Learn

So much of life is wasted on worry, regret, pain, and heartache. Of course, some of this is inevitable and necessary. But I spent too many of my younger days sweating over things I didn't need to sweat about.

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5 Things That Aren’t Worth Going Into Debt For

In some cases, borrowing money helps build wealth. Most people need a mortgage to buy a home, for instance, and student loans allow many people get an education that leads to a career.

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3 Life Lessons from Funny Baby

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I hope you have enjoyed this issue of my InTouch newsletter. Do feel free to contact me if I can be of service to you and your friends
Steven Sit Poh Sang
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Tomas A Norton

Steven has been serving our family very well for over two decades with savings, life, health and accident policies. Over this time, his attention and care has been first class. Thankfully we invested early via Steven and the entire family is now sitting on valuable policies with high cash values. They represent a solid foundation for retirement and an excellent head start in saving and coverage for our two children. I expect our relationship with Steven to continue. We are most pleased.

Jane Law

Steven is very professional, patient and helpful. He is tireless. Always willing to explain and answer questions pertaining to my queries and claims. Steven treats his clients like good friends, always go that extra mile when help is needed most. Really appreciate your friendship. Thumbs up to Steven!

Nicholas Chow, Business Development Manager

I used to work with Steven in 2013. Out of the hundreds of Financial Services Consultants I've worked with, I feel most comfortable working with him. Product knowledge, field experience and prompt response is what I get from him all the time but most importantly, he is SINCERE about his approach and I look up to him as an older brother who has positive impact on the people around him. Stay awesomely STEVEN 👍🏻⚡

CEO Clove Bridal Studio Fiona 刘祖彤

认识保生有大概一年的时间。经过一番查询之后,我决定让保生负责我的员工福利,团体保险项目。 保生总是有办法秒回我的信息,而且在处理我的保险申请时也非常专业。 保生在售后服务这块也很尽责,有关保单的利益用法,设置保单的电子账号和理赔的事项,都讲解得很清楚。他即使人在外地,也可以在最短的时间内,安排同事和上司,和我所有员工会面,讲解团体牙科保单的用法。 非常开心能找到薛保生来担任我的保险顾问。

Stella Poh, Executive Secretary Hup Soon Global Corporation Pte Ltd

My first policy was bought from Steven, 20 years ago. I think the most important thing is having a responsible and reliable agent to be in the same trade and Company is not an easy thing. However, I am glad that he is still in the industry working and servicing my policies. Steven knows his work well and is willing to give valuable advice on what is needed. It is not just selling policy to his clients. Instead, he treated his clients as friends and this make the working relationship merrier.

Siok Hock, your fellow Signaller/ Friend/ Buddy

I vividly remembered the moment sometime in May 1993, when I was first introduced to you in amongst all the trucks and other fellow servicemen and especially those in your command. When you spoke to them, I sensed your care for them without compromising your task. When your guys echoed their "Yes, Sir", I felt their confidence in your leadership. 29 years later and that's now, I am very happy that I have got a friend in you and you as my trusted advisor for insurance, investment, and retirement matters. I am glad that with your advise on all matters, I will be comfortable and even healthy to enjoy my years ahead and with you as my fellow Signaller/ Friend / Buddy. Thank you, Steven.