Necessity is the mother of invention. Throughout history, humans have demonstrated the ability to innovate, solve problems, and create solutions in the midst of crises, resulting in some of humanity's greatest inventions. All it took was resourcefulness, action, and persistence. Through this issue, I hope to provide insights into how we can live life constructively and creatively, regardless of the challenges that we may face today. | Crisis-Driven Innovation Demands Creativity And Action Under Pressure While all innovation requires creativity and action to deliver value, crisis-driven innovation demands creativity and action under pressure and constraints, in response to a disruptive event or trend. | Six Technologies that Emerged (Or Became Popular) in Difficult Times Conflicts, economic crises and pandemics were responsible for innovations such as the radio, computer and gps. | Turning Frustration Into Innovation | Mark Shaw | TEDxKC | Proudly Brought to You I seek to reach out to people who believe in safeguarding the interests of their loved ones. Let me know if I can be of help to someone you know or care about. We can make a difference to lives when it matters most. Cheers. | Steven Sit Poh Sang | | | | unsubscribe | You are receiving this email because you're my client, a friend or you've given permission to receive this email. If you'd rather not receive our emails, you can unsubscribe from our mailing list by clicking 'Unsubscribe' above. © Steven Sit Poh Sang, All rights reserved. | | | Ching Eng This is a long overdue note to a fantastic individual.
I know Mr Steven Sit for more than 20 years when we were both in same military NS unit. He was already in the early success then and he led an extravagant lifestyle at that time.
Therefore it was not surprising that he barely made it in the annual fitness assessment and I remembered laughing at him sarcastically.
Well, he has since transformed into a big enthusiast in wellness activities (ask him for the pic full of run event medals) and more importantly, with a transformed personality.
Through the engagements at personal and financial planning levels, Steven is always a call or a text away. He is passionate in life and always shared the best and relevant products with those he connects. There is no selling, just sharing.
In a complex situation, I remembered telling him I shall take it up with his management as I fully aware it was beyond him but he still represented me to escalate till a closure.
Steven’s transformation is an inspiring and good learning model to me. I have benefitted a lot by applying his philosophy of “Law of Attraction”
Have a chat with Steven! He is my friend, my life coach and by the way - he is my financial advisor!
Thanks Steven! | | | Patrick Sze, Regional Sales Director, Apj, Elsevier Steven is the person you want to trust your important insurance and financial related matters in because he ensures he understand your needs and requirement and provide a solution tailored to your needs.
As an insured person with AIA , as well as my parents, what you want is someone to provide AAA Service and always there for you at a press of a button. Steven is this capable protector of yours. | | | Harsh Verma Executive Director JPMorgan Chase & Co I have known Steven for almost 2 decades and have seen him grow over this period. His success can be mainly attributed to his high level of professionalism, his impeccable customer service and his constant availability. He knows my family profile, has been recommending products that suit my needs based on family members, age, etc and does not coax me into unnecessary sales.
Every product he has recommended to me has yielded me benefits over time. The one aspect that definitely needs to be called out is his availability. After all these years and his personal growth in the industry he is available within seconds of sending him a message. Whether we are traveling or he is, I have never had to wait for a turnaround from Steven. He always maintains a very friendly, yet professional interaction and goes out of his way to build a relationship with my family. No matter how trivial the question, he maintains a high level of patience to guide my family and me to the right outcome.
In spite of all this he somehow manages to maintain a very healthy lifestyle. Not only does he do this for himself but he has a special gift to influence and has made my family more involved in running, trekking, etc towards staying fit and healthy.
I would recommend Steven to anyone without an ounce of doubt. His attitude, professionalism and friendliness is unparalleled. | | | Iris Thng, Manager DEFCON MARKETING AND ENGINEERING PTE LTD I know Steven through my brother.
I have never expected nor believed that I can find an insurance agent who is both helpful and able to provide me with sound advice to my insurance needs until I knew him.
He is very patient and able to provide very clear information to us.
He is always so helpful whenever my family and myself need any advice or clarification on our insurance matters even when those policies were not bought from him.
Thank you Steven!
| | | Yanti @NTU I have known Steven for over 20years and I am glad that he is still in this profession.
Steven has always been on the toes whenever I need his assistance and advice on my policies. His patience in helping me to understand on each of my family policies (keeping up-to-date on the coverage) is really amazing!
I can always count on him whenever I have problems or trying to recap on the coverage of each of my policies. He answered to my queries promptly and his advice for the emergencies we faced in Europe recently was just beyond my expectations!
Steven is the best insurance advisor that I ever had and I couldn’t have asked for anyone better. I definitely and highly recommend him to someone that really need help on the right coverage that suits their need and budget!
Steven, my brother, you are truly the best la! | | | Mei Mei apj Regional Sales Compensation Enablement Manager, Hp Inc I have a strong recommendation for Steven Sit if you are looking for a personal financial consultant or any advice related to insurance counseling.
He is committed, knowledgeable and reliable. He is always contactable and ready with any answer if you needed to check on your policies. No hassle, no waste of time and he is always there for you.
My first policy back then in 1992 and more through the years till my recent policy were all well managed by Steven, my trusted agent! | | | | |