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Steven Sit Poh Sang

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

Making decisions on property is not trivial, as they often have effects on our quality of life in ways that are not just material but also financial and emotional. Regardless of our experience levels in making decisions on our properties and homes, it helps to have an appreciation of what resources are involved, and how we can be resourceful about them. I hope you find the materials in this issue useful.

New HDB policy: Standard, Plus and Prime – how does it affect you?

Housing and Development Board (HDB) will change how it classifies Build-to-Order (BTO) projects, starting in the second half of 2024. The policy changes intend to ensure that HDB policies continue to remain relevant in Singapore's current social and economic construct.

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Understand the costs of buying a home

This article provides a comprehensive guide to the costs of buying a home in Singapore, including down payment, stamp duty, legal fees, and renovation costs.

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Steven Sit Poh Sang
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Lai See Siong, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Director, Manufacturing & Process

Steven has been providing excellent insurance counseling and advice for my family and I for years. He is very knowledgeable in his profession. He is patient in explaining the details and answering questions pertaining to our insurance needs. On a personal note, Steven treats his clients as good friends too. He organizes regular healthy activities like cycling, running, and encourages his clients to join in so as to keep a healthy lifestyle and at the same time to network. In fact, many of his clients are now my friends too. I would highly recommend his services to anyone who is looking for a 5-star Insurance agent.


嗨 Steven! 感谢您一年来在保险方面给予我的优质服务!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️您总是那么耐心、细心地向我解释保险的每一项条款,当我向您征询保险方面的建议时,您总能提供给我最中肯,最适合我的保险建议。不管有何种疑问,您都第一时间上门服务。 您对于我及我的家人来说,不仅是保险经纪,更是一个值得信赖的朋友,和您的相处永远都是那么愉快的。您热爱运动、积极向上的生活态度更鼓励了我们,让我们更加关注自己的健康,关爱自己的家人! 保险是终身的,友谊也是一辈子的。感谢你的一路相伴! 祝好!

Cynthia Goh

No policy too small. No effort too big. Someone who Goes the Extra Mile G.E.M. to ensure you are adequately protected. A committed agent who takes care of his client well being. Thanks for the effort! Much appreciated.

Language Coach & Property Consultant

What struck me when I met Steven was that he was Friendly, sincere and warm. He would clarify any doubts I had and was Assuring. Over the years when claims had to to be made, he was also Meticulous in ensuring that I was well taken care of and would follow up closely on the process. In short, he's Excellent in his work and his passion to give the best to his clients is evident. So, if you have not spoken to this Friendly , Assuring , Meticulous and Excellent family agent of ours , you should.

Pak-Tjun Chin

I got to know Steven through a mutual friend back in Nov-2019. Being a foreigner new to Singapore, Steven warmly welcomed me into his weekly hiking sessions at Bt Timah Forest Reserve. Since then, we have been religiously 'conquering' Bt Timah hill. More recently, we even extended our hike to start from MacRitchie Reservoir. Steven's motto is 'What is impossible today, will become warm-up tomorrow', and he truly believes in this! Separately, I have also grown to trust Steven with my insurance needs. Being new and alone in Singapore, I knew that having appropriate insurance coverage is paramount. Steven was very detailed and thorough in his briefing sessions and provided me coverage options that suited my needs. No pushy sales or pressure. I would strongly recommend Steven to anyone looking for an experienced, authentic and straight-taking insurance advisor.

Siok Hock, your fellow Signaller/ Friend/ Buddy

I vividly remembered the moment sometime in May 1993, when I was first introduced to you in amongst all the trucks and other fellow servicemen and especially those in your command. When you spoke to them, I sensed your care for them without compromising your task. When your guys echoed their "Yes, Sir", I felt their confidence in your leadership. 29 years later and that's now, I am very happy that I have got a friend in you and you as my trusted advisor for insurance, investment, and retirement matters. I am glad that with your advise on all matters, I will be comfortable and even healthy to enjoy my years ahead and with you as my fellow Signaller/ Friend / Buddy. Thank you, Steven.