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Steven Sit Poh Sang

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

As families navigate the challenges of exam season, it's important to foster resilience, support growth, and nurture well-being. These insights explore how to create a balanced, supportive environment for children, helping them thrive academically, emotionally, and financially.

Empowering Parents: Supporting Your Child Through Exam Season

The article offers tips for parents on how to emotionally and practically support their children during exam periods, focusing on communication, stress management, and positive reinforcement.

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How to Make and Keep a Family Budget

This guide provides practical steps for creating and maintaining a family budget, highlighting the importance of tracking expenses, setting goals, and sticking to a budget for long-term financial stability.

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Financial Literacy & The Social Media Generation

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I seek to reach out to people who believe in safeguarding the interests of their loved ones. Let me know if I can be of help to someone you know or care about. We can make a difference to lives when it matters most. Cheers.
Steven Sit Poh Sang
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Patrick Sze, Regional Sales Director, Apj, Elsevier

Steven is the person you want to trust your important insurance and financial related matters in because he ensures he understand your needs and requirement and provide a solution tailored to your needs. As an insured person with AIA , as well as my parents, what you want is someone to provide AAA Service and always there for you at a press of a button. Steven is this capable protector of yours.


嗨 Steven! 感谢您一年来在保险方面给予我的优质服务!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️您总是那么耐心、细心地向我解释保险的每一项条款,当我向您征询保险方面的建议时,您总能提供给我最中肯,最适合我的保险建议。不管有何种疑问,您都第一时间上门服务。 您对于我及我的家人来说,不仅是保险经纪,更是一个值得信赖的朋友,和您的相处永远都是那么愉快的。您热爱运动、积极向上的生活态度更鼓励了我们,让我们更加关注自己的健康,关爱自己的家人! 保险是终身的,友谊也是一辈子的。感谢你的一路相伴! 祝好!

Jasmine Song, Director Victorious Arts Pte Ltd

很高兴能够认识Steven。能够让他为我的人生做一个好好规划也是我的荣幸! 当我孩子发生交通事故,遇到关于保险问题时,他都能够在第一时间出来为我解决一切关于保险问题,专业负责的态度让我非常感动! 衷心祝愿Steven新年快乐!幸福吉祥!


I know Steven through my brother. I have never expected nor believed that I can find an insurance agent who is both helpful and able to provide me with sound advice to my insurance needs until I knew him. He is very patient and able to provide very clear information to us. He is always so helpful whenever my family and myself need any advice or clarification on our insurance matters even when those policies were not bought from him. Thank you Steven!

Nicholas Chow, Business Development Manager

I used to work with Steven in 2013. Out of the hundreds of Financial Services Consultants I've worked with, I feel most comfortable working with him. Product knowledge, field experience and prompt response is what I get from him all the time but most importantly, he is SINCERE about his approach and I look up to him as an older brother who has positive impact on the people around him. Stay awesomely STEVEN 👍🏻⚡


Steven has been my "Secret Agent", trustworthy consultant and sincere friend for decades. He is the most reliable financial advisor I know. He is prompt and professional in delivering his service. I can just reach out to him on my insurance matters anytime and be assured of receiving sound advice. He cares about his clients! So blessed to having him to take care of my insurance matters!