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Steven Sit Poh Sang

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

Women have long played a huge part in our society and economy. When it comes to uplifting women, the work extends beyond just international women's day or month. In fact, it requires continuous effort from not just leaders, but also every day folks like us to recognise and appreciate the great potential of women in our lives. In this issue, I'd like to share insights on how we can be enablers of women's progress while staying aware of the realities and struggles they may face. I hope this helps us in empowering the women and girls in our midst.

Women’s Voice: How to encourage female leadership in an organisation

Women may not realise how poised for success they are in leadership roles.

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7 Brave Steps to Become Fearless

Growth and comfort can’t ride the same horse. It’s a lesson that holds true for all of life. What we want most will always require embracing discomfort and taking action despite our fear that we'll fail or fall on our face. In the end, there is no substitute for courage, no shortcut to bravery. To become the person you most need to be and create the life you most yearn to live, you must be willing to do the things that scare you. Again and again and again.

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Teach girls bravery, not perfection | Reshma Saujani

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Steven Sit Poh Sang
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嗨 Steven! 感谢您一年来在保险方面给予我的优质服务!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️您总是那么耐心、细心地向我解释保险的每一项条款,当我向您征询保险方面的建议时,您总能提供给我最中肯,最适合我的保险建议。不管有何种疑问,您都第一时间上门服务。 您对于我及我的家人来说,不仅是保险经纪,更是一个值得信赖的朋友,和您的相处永远都是那么愉快的。您热爱运动、积极向上的生活态度更鼓励了我们,让我们更加关注自己的健康,关爱自己的家人! 保险是终身的,友谊也是一辈子的。感谢你的一路相伴! 祝好!

June Ang, Director AON

I met Steven when I was an underwriter in AIG more than 10 years ago. During that period, he was not my appointed Life agent yet but I was impressed with his proactiveness and diligence. Subsequently, Steven was appointed as my personal agent. Steven continues to be an impressive financial advisor. He also extends his assistance as a personal friend. He is a trustworthy agent and friend, a person whom I would definitely give a "thumbs up."

Legal & Claims Manager AAL Shipping

Steven was recommended to me by a work colleague, when I moved to Singapore about 2 years ago. Admittedly, before meeting Steven, I had trouble finding an insurance consultant that was able to provide me with, what I believed to be, good unbiased advice. His friendly approach and knowledge of the insurance terms convinced me to work with Steven straight away. Steven is very professional and always on hand to assist with any of my enquiries. His attention to detail is a great asset and he will go beyond the call of duty to help his clients. Most importantly, having Steven take care of my insurance needs gave me peace of mind which is something I cherish dearly. You know you are in good hands with Steven! Robert Voelzer

Jane Law

Steven is very professional, patient and helpful. He is tireless. Always willing to explain and answer questions pertaining to my queries and claims. Steven treats his clients like good friends, always go that extra mile when help is needed most. Really appreciate your friendship. Thumbs up to Steven!

Nicole Lee, Scotiabank, Accountant

Thank you for the service and help you’ve rendered all these years. One of the more detail-oriented and responsive insurance professionals I’ve come across. Professional, prompt in response and unfailingly diligent. Steven has been a trusted and reliable source of knowledge, quick to help customers like myself navigate the complex and fairly technical aspects of the insurance claims process. This has freed up my time and lessened my worries when it comes to the tedious administrative burden – truly appreciated!

Cynthia Goh

No policy too small. No effort too big. Someone who Goes the Extra Mile G.E.M. to ensure you are adequately protected. A committed agent who takes care of his client well being. Thanks for the effort! Much appreciated.